About us
About Us
The National Biomechanics Institute is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm, recognized for its objectivity to the scientific process, integrity, professionalism and commitment to provide the best service to its clients.
NBI is best known for analyzing and determining causes of accidents and injuries across both personal injury and criminal litigation. Our clients include individuals, law firms, and insurance companies. Common cases examined by NBI’s experts include premises liability, workplace / industrial accidents and motor vehicle accidents, often involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and/or pedestrians. To investigate causation of these types of events, NBI proposes the following services:
Accident Reconstruction
Based on engineering and physics principles and through conducting thorough investigations, accident reconstruction experts infer on the vehicle’s dynamics, speed and forces applied at the time of incident. Accident reconstruction experts do not only investigate cars’ dynamics and are also fully qualified for the investigation of the dynamics of bicycles, trucks, airplanes, motorcycles, electric scooters and pedestrian.

Based on engineering principles applied to the understand human motion, biomechanics experts infer on the potential for injury and injury mechanismexperienced at the time of the accident.As part of their analysis, our experts examine and evaluate kinematics (movement patterns and dynamics) and kinetics (forces and load experienced) of the occupant as well asthorough examination of pre-impact medical history of for each individual case in order to determine if the occupant was presented with heightened risk of injury at the time of accident. These pieces of information are crucial steps of the biomechanical analysis process when investigating individuals. Our experts have extensive knowledge and experience in investigation of traumatic brain injuries as well as other body tissues fractures, stresses and strains.
Human Factors
Based on psychological and engineering approaches, human factors experts examine individual’s interactions and reaction to their environment as well as human capabilities and limitations.Experts can infer on attention, perception, memory and decision making as well as the ability to process and react to situations. Perception reaction time and stopping sight distance requirements are often inferred on but our experts are also capable of investigating impaired behavioral and cognitive load as a result of factors such as in-vehicle technologies use, fatigue, alcohol or medication consumption.

Medical Analysis
Individual review and analysis of medical records through NBI’s acquisition of LegalScientific’srevolutionary medical analysis software. The software was designed to use natural language processing technology to enable automated and reliable review of large amounts of medical documents in limited time and cost. The software is able to create diagnoses timeline as well as injury diagrams which are crucial information for biomechanics experts.
The results and findings of the proposed investigations (experts’ opinion) are delivered and presented as visually attractive and scientifically accurate accident trial exhibits and accident simulations. In effort to best serve our clients, NBI employs the nation’s preeminent accident reconstruction, human factors, biomechanics and medical experts with backgrounds in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, kinesiology and engineering.
Because of the multi-disciplinary teams present at NBI, the company can also provide clients with services in the following fields:
- Product liability through product testing and defective product investigation caused by failure to warn or manufacturing defect. For example, our experts have extensive knowledge and experience in testing efficacy of helmets and other protective equipment.
- Product development through product testing and thorough scientific research.
- Structural failure such as roof collapsing, catastrophic failure, poor construction and/or maintenance.
- Industrial accidents related to electrical or technical failure.
- Slips, Trips and Falls as a result of too little friction between footwear and surface, foot or lower leg hitting an object resulting in a loss of balance.
NBI staff and affiliates make use of the latest hardware and software technologies as well as innovative approaches to both ensure scientific validity and provide trial-ready demonstratives and exhibits. To further the global understanding of accident and injury causation, NBI experts thrive in a culture of research where they are readily involved in the scientific process through engaging in peer-reviewed science by regularly attending conferences, staying up to date on the latest findings of their chosen fields of study and publishing peer-reviewed research. For the benefit of our clients, current research and society, our experts are eager and dedicated not only to research on the fundamental principles of their fields but also investigate the effect of new products and technologies on society to further understand and address upcoming issues. The majority of our team members are currently or have been appointed as adjunct faculty members in the nation’s prominent universities.
Recently, NBI has also been active in providing proactive consulting services in the following fields:
- Professional sports with athletes and footwear testing.
- Workplace ergonomics through systematic improvement process designed to limit and remove risk factors to increase worker’s performance and productivity.
- Film production for injury and car crash dynamics realism.