About NBI

NBI Overview
The National Biomechanics Institute is a multi-disciplinary scientific consulting firm, recognized for its objectivity to the scientific process and commitment to client service. NBI is best known for analyzing and determining causes of accidents and injuries across personal injury and criminal litigation. In effort to best serve our clients...
NBI staff and affiliates utilize the latest hardware and software technologies to both ensure scientific validity and provideTechnologies

To aid in our analyses, NBI uses the latest technologies in the fields of accident reconstruction, biomechanics, and human factors. Commonly used technologies in accident reconstruction include electronic data recorders (EDR) which are used to download the on-board computer (i.e. “black box”) information from a vehicle, VirtualCrash and PC-Crash software which are used to develop simulations of accident and examine occupant and/or pedestrian dynamics, and a drone and FARO scanner, which are both used to develop 3-D models of a scene. In biomechanics, commonly used technologies include MADYMO which a software package used for the analysis of occupants in motor vehicle collisions, a tribometer which is used to assess the friction of a surface in slip & fall events, and helmet testing used to assess the efficacy of a helmet and potential for traumatic brain injury. In Human Factors, in addition to assessing lighting using a luminance meter, we also use the I.DRR system to help in the determination of perception-reaction time
We now offer courses giving you more in depth knowledge of our 4 core areas of expertise. Register today and receive MCLE credits!
The 'Biomechanics of Concussion' MCLE will help equip an attorney with a global understanding of brain injury, as well as the biomechanical methods used to assess injury potential.
The “Introduction to Accident Reconstruction” MCLE will help attorneys and legal professionals improve their understanding of the accident reconstruction process in evaluating liability.
The “Introduction to Human Factors” MCLE will help attorneys and legal professionals understand the importance of considering human factors in motor vehicle collisions, slip and fall incidents, and product failures.
Register for class
The National Biomechanics Institute is a multidisciplinary forensic consulting firm specializing in the fields of accident reconstruction, biomechanics, human factors and medical analysis. Our team of experts utilize the latest technologies and scientific research to guide their determinations regarding accident dynamics and injury causation. Common cases that NBI consults on include motor vehicle collisions, slip, trip and falls, workplace accidents and ergonomics, athletic participation, and traumatic brain injury. We also consult on product liability in motor vehicles, footwear, athletic apparel and equipment (e.g. helmets), and home and garden furniture. At NBI, we maintain objectivity to the scientific process, integrity, professionalism and commitment to provide the best service to our clients.